UPDATE: 2/19 - I'm done! I finished the model. I have decals, boosters, and a platform. And it all fits nicely together. The picture below is the final picture. This has been one of the more detailed models I've built. It was blast to do and I hope to do more in the future.
What was nice is getting my kids excited abut building models. My daughter got a snap-tite space shuttle and my son got a police car. Both enjoyed putting them together, well I put my son's together, because he's barely 5. My daughter wants to paint hers like mine, so now we get to learn how to paint a model.
UPDATE: 2/10 - So far I have mostly completed the shuttle. It's about 80% done painting and I still have several decals to put on. I am now starting the launch pad construction. It has taken me about 2 hours complete just one section of the launch pad. It's pretty time consuming to paint as it's about 11 inches long and has several sqares going across that have to be painted indivually, with 2 coats. I thnk I'm going to spray paint the othe section and the top of the platform next time.
Here are the pics for this weekend's progress.
The thrusters, wing flaps, and complete underbelly
are painted |
That nose used to be white. |
One side of the launch pad. Top speed of this launcher
is 2.5mph. 3 days to get from the hangar to the launch site. |
2/09/13 - I've had my model about 24 hours now and have actually made some significant progress. The shuttle now looks like a shuttle. Some parts have been painted and others will be painted after completion. I have wings, thrusters, and functional cargo bay doors. Pretty soon it will be time to build the rocket boosters and then the launch pad. It's a little smaller than I expected for the size of the box, but it's not bad. The shuttle itself is about 10 inches long by about 7 inches wide and about 4.5 inches tall.
Here are the pics I have so far. These are in chronological order. Remember, this is still a work in progress.
First night |
First night after about 2 hours of work. The fuselage is together.
Front and rear bulk heads in place. Windshield installed. |
Rear thrust mount and rudder.
Status at end of the first night |
Cargo bay doors and rear thrusters installed |
Look ! They open! |
Side view with cargo bay doors open |
3/4 rear profile |
Wings! |
It's starting to look like a Space Shuttle |
Someday a 3D printer can do this in about a day |
Side profile with thrusters in view |
Status as of 2/9. Satellite and robot arm installation coming up! |
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