Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bypass 45 Deli - Columbia, TN

I had lunch the other day at a local deli called Bypass 45 Deli. It is an unassuming little place with personal service and opportunities to get to know people around town. Not to mention a satisfaction guarantee. More on that in a minute. This was recommended to me by my customer to check out.

Pulling up to this place, I wasn't sure what to expect. It is not flashy by any means and is right next to a liquor store. Walking in I saw there was not a lot of independent seating and there was also a place to stand and eat if you desired to do so. Bypass 45 Deli makes sandwiches and fresh hamburgers. It's a nice and simple menu. When I attempted to pay, I was told to wait until I was done eating. If I didn't like I wouldn't have to pay. Really!? Great! I'm in! So I got my meal just a few short minutes later.

I must admit, I think I had just had one of the better hamburgers I had ever had. It was juicy, cooked just right, and not too greasy. The seasoning was pretty well spot on. I got curly fries with my meal. These were definitely fully seasoned and tasty. While sitting I was able to meet some local people as the tables were very close together. When I go out to eat on the road I almost always by myself unless my customer goes along with me. In this case I was by myself and was able to have some friendly conversation with some local people of Columbia, TN

When it came time to pay, because I enjoyed my meal, there was a small problem. Their credit card machine was broken and that was all I had. The owner was kind enough to let me go across the street to get some cash and come back to pay. I, of course, came right back and paid for my wonderful meal. Less than $10 for a great hamburger, a ton of fries, and bottle of coke. I'd be glad to it again. Great job Bypass 45 Deli!

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