Saturday, August 25, 2012

Has it Really Been 20 Years?

Today, my high school, The Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, or LACHSA for short, is having a 20 year reunion for the 1992 graduating class. They are also including other years close by including the 91 graduates and more. It's going to be a great gathering from my point of view. Unfortunately, I was not able to physically make it, but I am hoping to see lots of pictures. There's even the possibility of some Skyping while there. That would be awesome.

I was sitting back and thinking what have I done in 20 years? Did I do anything I had hoped to do when graduating high school? I was certain on becoming a famous Hollywood actor. Well, that did not exactly come into play for me, but the skills I learned from LACHSA have proved helpful in my career. I spent 8 to 12 hours a day at school during play season. I now work an average of 50 to 60 hours a week. I had to be comfortable on stage in front of a couple hundred people. Today, I have to speak with business owners and leaders and be persuasive and confident in my conversations when needed. I also need to be articulate in those conversations to ensure complex points are not missed. Thank you for that skill, Mrs. Gerald!

Am I a famous Hollywood actor today? Am I rich enough to buy my own island? Am I influential in my field and among my peers?

No, no, and mostly. I may not be the rich and famous Hollywood actor I set out to be. But I am successful in my field of work. I am a consultant helping companies to better utilize their IT assets and be more productive, profitable, and edging the competition. I am influential among my peers and clients.

It would have been great to see all of those faces I knew 20 years ago and see where they landed and where they are still heading. I see some of them on Facebook and TV and movies. I see they have all become successful in what they are doing. I have to wonder where we would all be had we not had the opportunity to go to a school we all wanted to attend and bust our butts doing it.

Way to go LACHSA class of 92! Keep up the greatness and show what future classes can look forward to when their 20 year reunion comes around. Gosh I don't even want to think how old I will be at that time.

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