Thursday, July 7, 2011

F-Troop on Patrol in Terminal D at DFW Airport

Even the TSA is not immune to getting a review. On Tuesday, July 5th I got to DFW Airport Terminal D with just over 90 minutes to get to my gate. Plenty of time. When I got to security, no one was waiting in the holding line and there were about 15 people in the security line waiting to get their stuff into the x-ray. In my past experience this process should no more than about 5 minutes to get through. The x-ray line went to a dead stop for at least 5 minutes and the line began building in the holding area. There did not appear to be any major security problems afoot. There was one traveler waiting for articles on the other side and there were three TSA agents looking at the x-ray screen. Really?? It takes three highly trained professional TSA agents to figure out what's in the colored picture on the TV screen?? It must have been training day. Here’s a suggestion, take the bag out and open it. That is an option the TSA has at their disposal. Not only to speed up the security process for others, but to perform necessary checks when "what's that in the bag" questions come up.

It took 30 minutes to get to the point of putting my articles into the x-ray machine. Remember there were only 15 people in front of me. I have been through other check points at DFW where 30 people took 15 minutes. I have even been through a check point in Philly where it took 40 minutes to get through over 100 people. Today, they most definitely put the F-Troop on Terminal D. I think TSA now has a new meaning – Totally Slowing Aviation.
There were seven TSA agents manning this security entry point with only one x-ray machine operational. One was checking passes and IDs. Two to three were reviewing the screen on the x-ray. One was shuffling totes back and forth. One was manning the metal detector. And one was holding the floor down. This was government waste at its best. If I performed like that on my job, I would have been written up, fired, and prevented from getting unemployment.  It should take no more than four or five to run a security check point. One to check IDs and passes. One to man the x-ray. One to man the metal detector. And two to float between points for male or female checks, shuffle totes back and forth, or check IDs.

I know I’d be taking away jobs, but I would much rather see seven people manning the fast food shops in the airport so it doesn’t take 10 minutes per person to order a sandwich. After all, it’s not like there would be much in the way of a salary change, right? I would much rather see it take 30 seconds per person to get through security, and 60 to 90 seconds person to get a sandwich.

I don’t think I want to see the TSA or any kind of security check points go away. They serve an important purpose. Some of the rules are a little extreme, but when you choose to fly you are essentially signing a contract that you are accepting the procedures and policies of not only the airlines, but also the TSA. I just think it can be done much better and more efficient. I’m sure everyone else has an idea on the subject, as well.
At any rate, feel free to comment on this. Even if you fly once a year the TSA affects your experience, too. I am a big believer that feedback is important to improving a service. Of course, that only works if the people providing the service are willing to hear it.

This has been a traveling review brought to you by the Nomad Consultant. I review all kinds of places wherever I stay during my travels. Stay tuned for more travel reviews.

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