Thursday, July 14, 2011

Gmabling with the Weather in Colorado

So, here I am in Colorado this week and I'm gambling with the weather to see a baseball game tonight. I bought tickets to the Rockies vs. Brewers game for tonight. All week it has started to rain in the afternoon and has been getting pretty violent after 5pm. Last night, I went to meet a friend for dinner I hadn't seen since high school. On my way, I thought I was going to have abort and turnaround. The rain started, then hail started. Cars were scarmbling for cover under anything they could find. Even under the 75 foot overpass that was about 10 feet wide. Have you heard what hail sounds like on a car when you're driving at at 55mph? Try this. Put a metal bucket over your head, get four or five friends to pound on the bucket with the handles of screw drivers. See if you don't freak out from the sound. Lucky for me, the hail lasted all of about five minutes and I was able to conitnue on.

Fast forward to today, and the rain starts up again like clockwork at about 3:30pm. It is just pouring down. People in the downtown streets below were running for cover. One poor lady ended up with a broken umbrella from the 40+ mph winds. I checked the weather on the 'Net and found the rain was supposed to stop around 6:30pm. Game time is at 6:40pm. I'm within walking distance, but I don't want to get stuck in the rain nearly a mile from my hotel. That would suck and probably get me sick.

So here I sit in my hotel room after getting off from work waiting and watching to see if the weather will break enough for me to get to the stadium. I've got my chips on Black. The ball is slowing down and bouncing bewteen Red and Black right now.

--Live update-- I see sunlight hitting a building nearby. The online weather radar is showing there will be a break in the next few minutes and stay that way until much later tonight. I think I see the ball settling on Black. Winner, winner! Chicken dinner!

Let's go see a Rockies game sitting in the 2 row from the edge of the left field foul line. This is gonna be a great seat to watch a game in a stadium I've never been to. I'm hoping for a foul ball to come my way. Wish me luck.

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