Friday, July 8, 2011

The Place to be On Friday’s for Lunch in Milwaukee

Today is Friday, July 08, 2011. I am in Milwaukee. The place to eat in Milwaukee on Fridays for lunch is a place called Larry’s Market. Why?

5.       Larry’s offers local foods and beverages daily
4.       Larry’s has a great deli with fresh food available daily
3.       Larry’s creates the feeling of being in an old country food store
2.       Larry’s prices easy on the wallet
1.       Larry’s has a cookout every Friday!

So, I have been to this place before when I came through this area about 4 weeks ago. My customers told me about a sandwich place called Larry’s Market that I had to try on a Friday. They have a cookout for hamburgers, catfish, sausage, and other great foods. My first impression when I got there, was where is the horse and buggy parking? This place has history built all around it and inside. The concrete steps line the entire front of the shop. Inside wood floors creek as you walk around. You can almost see how this shop would have operated 100 years ago with horse drawn buggies lining the front and getting their weekly general needs that could not be grown at home. For me, places with a rich history and charm hold a special place. I am a big fan of history and love to see buildings that show their original character through their decades of use.

On Fridays the outside is filled with the scent of grilled foods, from Cajun catfish to chicken apple sausage to hamburgers. There are a couple of tents off to one side where the food is prepared and the fixin’s are plenty. The employees are handling the line of people waiting to get their food and guiding them on where to get their trimmings for their choice du jour. Today is a great day to eat outside with temperatures in the low 80s, lots of sun, and low humidity. The seats outside are usually always filled up, but plenty of picnic bench seating is available on both sides of the building. There is no problem sitting next to someone you don’t know. Sit down introduce yourself to your neighbor and the conversations run away for the lunch hour. Or you can sit and just enjoy the outdoor dining.

The inside of the shop has a hint of historical charm with the modern trappings of refrigerated drinks, a deli with electric scales, and computerized cash registers. You will be hard pressed to find the typical national foods you find in a supermarket. Most, if not all of the foods are from local or regional companies and growers. They offer several types of beverages from local and some national companies. One of my favorites is Root Beer from Sprecher’s that is local to Milwaukee. I’m a big root beer fan and this did not fail to impress. One of the ingredients unique to this root beer was the use of locally produced honey. Mmmm… mmmm… good.

So, now I have my Cajun catfish and found a spot to sit. The catfish is nice, hot, and fresh on a standard bun with a descent amount of Cajun seasoning. I put on some Cajun mayonnaise to increase the spiciness and flavor. The fish was cooked just right. Not overdone, or underdone. The seasoning wasn’t over powering and was well complemented with the Cajun mayo. I think the bun was just a little too thick for it, but that’s okay. I was still able to enjoy my fish. I added some sour cream and onion chips and washed it all down with my Sprecher’s Root Beer made with locally produced honey.

I am giving Larry’s Market a high recommendation to visit when in the Milwaukee area. I will be through this area again in the next few weeks and will be sure to visit this place again. I love the charm, character, atmosphere, and the food. The staff is plenty helpful and fun loving. I think I will be trying the chicken apple sausage next time I go on a Friday. Thanks for reading. Remember you can always provide a comment to any of my posts.
This has been a traveling review brought to you by the Nomad Consultant. I review all kinds of places wherever I stay during my travels. Stay tuned for more travel reviews.

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