Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to Make Cabbage with Lettuce

So here’s a question. If you opened a restaurant and served only salad would you expect to hit it big or be laughed out of town? Here’s the answer… You’ll hit it big. I went to a place called Green Fine Salad Company in Denver, CO for lunch today based on the recommendation of one of my customers. The menu was nothing at all like Kravers in Wisconsin. Now, Kravers was pretty good and had a ton of selections. Green’s has a 12 item menu with the option of creating your own healthy salad. The twist is you can get them in a bowl or a wrap. The portions are plentiful and all salads are prepared fresh right in front of you. A couple of slicers, some dicers, and a tosser, and voila! You have a freshly prepared salad of your choice with your name on it. Literally, they put your name on your salad. Now you can respond, “Yes, it does have my name on it!”

I think this restaurant is a fantastic concept. It offers healthy food choices, drinks from local companies, and an easy price on the wallet. Oh, yeah, the food is pretty good, too. It’s not often you get to enjoy a healthy food choice. I certainly enjoyed mine.
This has been a traveling review brought to you by the Nomad Consultant. I review all kinds of places wherever I stay during my travels. Stay tuned for more travel reviews.

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